Monday, August 28, 2006

Spring baseball 2006 White Sox

In this game Chris played 3rd base but durning the season he also pitched and was the catcher. Did I mention that Christopher had a "good looking" coach! Even with a mouthful of sunflower seeds.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hey batter, batter, SWING ......

For It One, Two, Three, strikes your out at the OLD BALL GAME..............
While searching for a picture tonight I ran across Chris spring baseball game pictures. This game was Saturday, May 27, 2006 (Ken's B-day). It was HOT! OK it is now time for me to brag about my Boy. Christopher had the best batting avg. of the team. Don't remember the numbers but Ken has it all in this years Team baseball book.


2 weeks down and 34 more weeks (including holidays) to go. It is Sunday night and Christopher is doing homework. Friday afternoon he did start the homework but he was so t-i-r-e-d that he did not finish. I was also told about Teachers that don't understand that students do have a life outside school. How many of us felt that way! Well, welcome back to School Son. You only have 34 well, I think 30 school weeks to go.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I did not make this up!

I was locked out by a robot!!!! Blogger's Spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a Spam blog. (What's a Spam blog?) Since you're an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a Spam blog. Automated Spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and we sincerely apologize for this false positive. (I did not make this up. I can come up with excuses for being late with something but I could never come up with a Spam robot. LOL)

I had to fill out a form to request a human review. It took them 5 days. Here is the e-mail I got today.

Your blog has been reviewed, verified, and cleared for regular use so that
it will no longer appear as potential Spam. If you sign out of Blogger and
sign back in again, you should be able to post as normal. Thanks for your
patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

The Blogger Team

I was losing patience but now I just think it is funny. Only I would be locked out by a Spam robot.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Remove Formatting from selection
Christopher's personal School Bus !

My One and Only Son, Christopher

First Day of High School.
My one and only is in high school.
Can not believe how fast time has past us by. If I closes my eyes I can still see my baby getting off the school bus from his first day of Kindergarten. Now instead of a bright yellow School bus it is His fathers S2000. If all goes well I will be taken my Son to college in the fall of 2010. Who needs a hanky! That is way to soon. I want to rewind lets say 10 years ok 5 years. Christopher is Now a freshman at C.H.H.S. He is playing on the 9th grade football team. School starts at 7:30am and school ends at 2:30. Then football begins until around 5:45pm. It is long hours but so far he is enjoying school and football.