Saturday, August 11, 2007

Nikki is Missing

Christopher and Nikki at the farm.

I took the dogs (Rambo and Nikki) outside to do there business. I heard kids laughing and playing, well Nikki (Yorkie) must have heard it too because she took off to the back corner of the backyard fence where wild rabbits have made a hole under the fence. (found after the fact) When I realized she was not coming back to me after calling her name. I looked over the fence to see her walking across my neighbor's back yard. That was the last time I saw her. I ran back through the house ( the gates were block to keep Nikki in) to front yard and down to where I thought she was going but I didn't find her. I started searching by car and hanging up signs so if someone found her they would know how to call me because of all times for to take off she didn't have on her collar on because I took it off to give her a bath. This afternoon Chris and I went around hanging up more posters hoping that someone will see it and call. Tommorow I am dropping off lost dog picture/form at Petsmart and any other place I feel might help. It has been a hard day for me and the night isn't getting better. But God is Good, no matter what God is Good!


At 2:35 PM, Blogger Morgan said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm sure that it is scary to think of her gone and wondering around. We'll be praying that she makes it home soon.

At 3:21 PM, Blogger Erin said...

I'm so sorry. I hope she is brought home soon.


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