Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!
I can't believe it is Easter already, didn't we just celebrate Christmas? It is officially Monday morning because it is after midnight but I still claim it is Easter because I haven't gone to bed yet. So Happy Easter!!!!!! I had plan to add Christopher's picture with his Easter basket but I didn't get the shot and if I did it would still be on the disk in the camera like all the pictures I have taken since Christmas. Christopher went to the first church service with his dad and I choose to sleep in so I went to the second Easter service so by the time I got home I missed the picture cause he was already out of his Shirt and Tie. Not wanting to miss a Easter Picture I asked him to put back on the shirt and tie. When I asked I knew it was a long shot (better odds in the lottery) but I thought I would ask anyway. The look told it all. No Easter picture for me. I had plan to get a picture later in the day but I forgot. Maybe tomorrow I ask him to pose with the basket and take a late Easter picture. Why not, I am late for everything else. Christopher has a spring cold so he is full of snot and hasn't been in a wonderful mood. Well, he is only in a bad mood in my presence. I bring out the best in him...... I love this age... NOT. Easter Bunny made a few mistakes this year. Brought my son a PS2 game he got for Christmas (like the bunny can keep up with all the games he has, Chris should be happy the bunny even bought the game. Like I told him Bunny gave me the receipt and he can go exchange it for what he wants.) You do know when my Husband and Son reads these I will get a eye roll for talking bunny. Oh well ...... Santa gives out coal so what does the Bunny give out?, There was more... wrong kinda gum (brought the kind I like.... what is wrong with that), He didn't even care for the Strawberry milkshake Oreo's. He drinks strawberry milk all the time? "oh well" what happen to being thankful that the Bunny brought anything. He did like the big box of Dots and whopper eggs and several other items but as usually lately the bunny like his Mom can't please him. Did I say already that I love this age....... Today, all that was petty when you think all that Christ did for us on that Cross. But He IS ALIVE! So I am forgiven of all my sins and my sin of not being the Mother my Son thinks I should be. He loves me I just have to remind him..... he really does love me, he tells me and I even get kisses goodnight. Most night..... and even at his worse I am very thankful that God allowed me to be his Mom. Thank You God, for allowing your Son to die on the cross for me and everyone that reads this blog and for allowing me to be a mom in the good and the not so fun times. Amen.