Monday, February 09, 2009

2009 ........

WOW..... I must of had a blast cause Time has flown past in the last year. (The old saying "Time fly's when you have a good time") I can't believe I haven't been on this since last May. So much has been going on.... well with my family not me. I am my own boring self not doing much of nothing. Since I was last on, My Son is now a Junior in High School... Yep, My baby is now a Jr. he only has a few more credits to being a Senior. OK breath Donna .... I am still not believing he is going to be a Senior. I can remember when we went to register him into Kindergarten they gave him a flag on a pencil that said Class of 2010. I though oh how cute we will save that.... thinking how far away 2010 was..... OMG That is like now!!!!!!!!!! Oh I still have that pencil some where in this house I saw it not so long ago. I know I still have about 15 months till he graduates...... but people time is flying so fast and I am not having fun!!!!
I do however look forward to seeing what God has in store for my Son's future. We still have 15 month and a summer of praying before he goes off to college and leaves his Mama. So in that time I will continue to pray and enjoy my Son and try to teach him all that I still thinks he needs know. The problem is I should mention that I am just His Mother who drives him nuts about 95% of the time. I still have that 5%. I will try and add photo's soon.