My Gift from God, My one and only Son Christopher. This blog is about my teenager's life. The good, the bad, and school. I hope you are ready for some football.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Happy 16th Birthday!
Christopher is SIXTEEN! My Baby turned sixteen on October 30. And what does every sixteen year old want for his birthday? That's right a car, and that is what he got a 1973 El Camino (a Hot Wheels all grown up). Christopher has loved El Caminos for years (still trying to figure that out). His car has been hiding at a friends house so we told Chris that I had to drop off something before we went out for his Birthday dinner. Well when we drove up he saw a few of the family members then he saw a big bow (orange and blue) on top of a car that had a car cover on it. We got out and all he did was stand and stare. After awhile we told him to check out the car. So he went to the car and stood and stared some more. The boy was in shock, he would stare and shake his head. We then told him to take the car cover off. He did but still was not talking we kept asking him thing he would reply but then just stared. He did walk around the car but mostly stared at one side. After a little while longer Ken asked if he would like the keys. He then check out the inside. He then sat in the car still in shock. I have this on video and one day I am going to set down and time how long he went without speaking. I can honestly say I have never seen him so shocked, and quiet. We then went inside for cake and ice-cream and open more presents. After his mini Birthday Party he drove his car to the restaurant. I have never seen him drive so slow. I think it took him a few days to realize he got a car for his birthday.
Well, where to begin...... School started, football came and went and my son had a HUGE birthday and now we are starting basketball. I will try to post things as they happen and post things that happen this past fall. Stay tune as I try to play catch up. Picture: Christopher's took this of himself last weekend.
I believe in Prayer! I prayed for someone to Love and to be Loved. With in a year God gave me my Husband, Ken. We have been married since 1987. I prayed to be a Mother. In God's precious timing I was given a Son to love in 1991. I have been well blessed with family and friends. Thank You Jesus for everything.