Thursday, October 05, 2006

Head Trauma

During football practice yesterday, Christopher was hit in the head with a football. He was on the sidelines without a helmet on, when boys behind him where throwing the ball. When I got the call from the team trainer, Chris was able to tell her my name and phone number but had no memory of what happened are the days prior. At the hospital the Doctor said he had a stage 2 concussion. He had a cat scan that was negative of any swelling or bruising. While at the hospital he started having his memory last longer than five minutes. By the time we got home a little after ten he was remembering things that happen the first of the week. This morning he remembered parts of yesterday. He is unable to play any contact sports for at lease a week. We have to see his primary Doctor next week. Please keep him in your prayers. I am so thankful that it was not worse than it could have been. Thank You Jesus for once again taking care of my Baby. Amen


At 7:08 PM, Blogger Kim said...

I will be praying for Christopher.

Aunt Kim

At 8:50 PM, Blogger Erin said...

We will definitely be praying for Christopher. Keep us updated.


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